Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pretzel Skeleton

A fun activity and an after school snack. This skeleton is made with assorted pretzel shapes that you little ones can build over a skeleton picture. This activity is simple enough for even very young children to understand and older children can learn the names of different bones in the body. Serve this fun activity alongside a bowl of peanut butter or nacho cheese for dipping and let your kids create a spooky Halloween friend. If your grocery store isn't carrying the pretzel shapes you are looking for, this activity can also be done with assorted cracker shapes or noodles, so don't be discouraged.

Serves: 1
Start-to-Finish: 5 minutes
Recipe By: Amber Brunson


1 bag of assorted pretzel shapes (round, sticks, twist, rods, pieces, snaps, etc..)
skeleton bones picture (either print one free from the internet here and here or draw your own)
optional: peanut butter, melted chocolate, nacho cheese, or ranch dressing for dipping


1. Print out a skeleton bones picture. (One for each child)
2. Using the shaped pretzel create a pretzel skeleton over the picture of the skeleton bones.
3. Eat the pretzels either plain or dipped in your favorite sauce.

The Skeleton Dance: this is an adorable video from YouTube. Appropriate for children of all ages. Very cute song about the bones of the body.

1 comment:

  1. Shared on my fb fan page...really cute idea!
