Monday, July 28, 2008

Homemade Baby Wipes

I am a recent convert to a website called Supermom Central. I have posted a link to the site if anyone else is interested in being sucked into the greatness of tips, ideas, and freebies. Now, I do not profess to be a super-mom myself; but like most moms, I am doing the best I can and I relish in ideas that make my life easier. This is a "recipe" I found on their website and thought it was worth sharing.
Benefits of homemade baby wipes: they work just as well as store-bought wipes, they are easy on your budget because most of the items are things you already have in your house (if you have a baby), they are fast and easy to make, and they make the house smell good when you are making them.


Start to Finish: 5 minutes this is a beautiful thought
Recipe By: Supermom Central


1 big bounty paper towel roll, cut in half
2-1/4 cup water
2 TBSP baby lotion
1 TBSP baby bath
1 TBSP baby oil


1. Combine all, heat until lotion dissolves, just before it boils.
2. Pour into a tupperware container, add paper towels, put lid on.
3. Let stand until wet/soaked.
4. Remove the inner cardboard and you are ready to go
5. Pull wipes from the center of the roll & make sure to put the lid on them when you're finished because they dry out quickly.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! Do you mind if I put a link about this blog on my blog for my friends to check this out? Let me know.
