Monday, October 13, 2008

Frankenstein's Monster Casserole

This dish is very versatile. You can substitute the tuna noodle casserole for almost any casserole your family will eat. Just make sure it will still taste good topped with cheese and crushed cornflakes. Get your kids involved by letting them decorate the monster's face. They can be creative by adding olive warts, a bumpy, cauliflower nose, or pickle ears. If you are going to cut the recipe in half use an 8-in x 8-in square pan and adjust the face accordingly.

Start to Finish: 1 hour
Recipe By: Tuna Noodle Casserole by Jani Jones, Frankenstein's monster idea by


6 cups cooked Rigatoni noodles
2 (6-oz) cans tuna, drained
2 can cream of celery soup or cream of chicken
1 cup milk
1 cup celery, diced (approx. 2 stalks of celery)
sprinkle of garlic salt
2 cups shredded Monterrey jack cheese, divided
corn flakes, crushed
Face Decorations: 1 green bell pepper, 1 (4-oz) can of sliced olives, 4 baby carrot sticks, two pickle slices, 1 tomato, and onion slices.


1. Cook noodles al dente according to package directions and drain.
2. Chop celery stalks.
2. Mix noodles, tuna, soup, milk, celery, garlic salt, and 1 cup cheese together.
3. Pour into 9-in x 13-in baking dish.
5. Pour cornflakes into Ziploc baggie. Seal baggie and crush cornflakes to desired coarseness.
4. Top casserole with remaining 1 cup cheese and cornflakes.
5. Bake in 350*F oven for 15 minutes.
6. Add decorations to create the Frankenstein Monster's face.


  1. Amber I am loving looking at your Halloween recipes. Last night we had worms for brains and Joel loved it. Do you mind if I post the recipes on his family website and tell my bloggers to check out your blog?
