Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ham and Cheese Spookables

Halloween + Lunchables = Spookables! These fun cracker sandwiches are pretty self-explanatory.  I used a set of mini cookie cutters to get my Halloween shapes.  You can usually pick them up at Target or Walmart around the Halloween season.

Serves: 4
Start-to-Finish: 15 minutes
Recipe By: Amber Brunson


16-20 Ritz crackers
5 slices of cheese (I used both American and Monterrey for the variety of color)
4 slices of deli meat


1.  Cut Halloween shapes from cheese.
2.  Cut Halloween shapes from deli meat (I had to push really hard to make sure the cutter was going all the way through the meat, I am not you will get a good cut with a plastic cookie cutter.)
3.  Serves with Ritz crackers

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